

The design of the logo is based on the vision, mission and objectives of Dungun Municipal Council. It is translated through the images of Dungun Flower Circle, Round Shape, Triangle, Atom Symbol and Terengganu State Emblem. It represents the authority in management, planning and administration of DMC as entrusted. .

The arrangement of the logo design elements reflects the policy implemented by the organization through professional working culture practice. The circle of Dungun flower, triangle and atom symbol is significant of it’s environmental beauty condition, current infrastructural and technological development under the excellent maintenance and supervision of DMC.

These professionalism components is translated through the combination of Terengganu State Emblem images. These images also represent core of state management as entrusted to DMC. Terengganu State Emblem is the policy which is practiced in various management and administration activities towards the excellence of the society, infrastructure and local environment.

The entire proposed logo design pictures that Dungun Municipal Council is an efficient, capable, honest, strong and excellent Local Authority in carrying out the entrusted responsibilities and as the main contributor in upgrading and excellence of the general public, public sector and the beauty of local environment

Element Picture   Meaning
Terengganu State Emblem 79

Authority and responsibility in administration and management based on the vision, mission and the objectives formed

 Circle of Dungun Flower 80

Management and service for local society

 Round shape 81

Infrastructural development in fulfilling current condition for the interest of local society

 Triangle 82

Rapid growth of infrastructure

  Atom 84

Development and growth of current technology

 Dungun flower 83

Beauty and environmental management and supervision as tourism asset

 Color  Significance

Professional Working Culture Practice


Efficient Management/Authority




Firmness and capability

MDD and MPD Logo


MDD logo enforced on 01.01.1981 Until 19.09.2008


MPD logo enforced on 20.08.2008 until now


Logo Sayangi Dungun

  • Site Last Modified : Wednesday 19 February 2025.

visitors since 2016


Jalan Yahaya Ahmad,
23000 Dungun, Terengganu.

T : 09-8481931
F : 09-8483210
E : mpdungun@terengganu.gov.my